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Faith > Fear


I spend a lot of time questioning things. When T and I first started spending time together, I was newly divorced and honestly had no business dating yet, but I would CONSTANTLY ask him questions. How would you handle this situation, what do you think about that, etc. I know it was annoying and exhausting for him, but he was usually pretty patient with me because he understood that the questions were coming from a place of fear. These days, it's rare for me to have questions like that because I usually know the answer or I can guess when he's going to roll his eyes, so I feel secure in that relationship.

I question everything else, and I'm realizing that some of my questions are because I love to learn, but a lot of them are coming from a place of fear. What is the direction for my life? Am I taking the next right step? Am I listening for God's voice? Am I doing this right? Am I talking to myself? Am I so focused on myself and my questions that I am MISSING the thing that God is doing right in front of my face? I use my prayer journal daily, but I find myself wondering if I'm doing this faith thing right or if I'm sitting still because it feels safer.

Do I stay at a job that I don't really like because it could be a decent fit if I lowered my expectations, or because it's safe? There are a few things I like about my job, but anymore it feels like I'm trying to fit into a jacket that's too small. It doesn't fit right anymore.

Mostly even when I think I'm moving in faith, I seem to freeze up in fear. Living this way has made me very aware of the limitations I put on myself because I'm scared of failing. There are 2 specific voices I hear when I say something about a goal or a dream. These are the voices that tell me I shouldn't work towards any of my dreams because I'm not good enough, skilled enough, knowledgeable enough, I don't have enough time, I'm going to fail anyway. So, I listen to "reason," make my excuses, and shove my arms back into that too small jacket, and shrink back down to do what's safe, even though it doesn't fit anymore.

(Chris Farley was pretty funny. I really hope you get the movie reference.)

When I started writing this post (because it has taken me over 24 hours off and on to actually finish this one- I've been easily distracted lately) I was pretty sure what I wanted to say. I kept stalling, even though the reels I was watching were telling me to have faith and to move in faith. So, I got off Instagram and turned on some music to clean the kitchen. Then my music was telling me to have faith and move in faith and stop letting fear run my life. When T and I were coming home from the grocery store, I was telling him about all of this, and how it was so obviously the same message, over and over and over again. I can be a little slow sometimes, but I can also be really stubborn, which is silly.

How do you put fear aside and move in faith?

  1. Plug in to God's word to recognize that even if you don't know what's coming, God does.

    1. Jeremiah 29:11

    2. Romans 8:28

    3. Isaiah 55:8-9

    4. 1 Corinthians 2:16

    5. James 1 :5-6

  2. When the voice of doubt speaks up, be so confident in your identity in Christ, that you can shut it down. On days that's a little more difficult, I like to journal about my reaction to whatever is holding me back so I can see exactly where I'm getting in my own way.

  3. Surround yourself with people who remind you to be brave, to be the you God made you to be.

  4. WORSHIP. Worship when you are mad, worship when you are happy, worship when you are sad. If you are focusing on gratitude and worship, you have less time to be anxious and afraid about what could go wrong.

  5. Talk to God and repent for the arrogance and fear that you are allowing to lead you.

Consider This: Where are you moving- or standing still- because of fear? Do you have an area in your life that you have outgrown, but you keep squeezing yourself into it because it's easy or familiar, but not altogether comfortable anymore?
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